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Competition Primers: Good information for Rookies,
Veterans and BTCs!!

Records for Events in Upcoming Meets
Records that have NOT YET been
After you've viewed these
General Competition Information links, please support the TCC Competition
Primer (TCC CP) NAR R&D Project by completing this short survey on this
General Competition Information section. Thanks.
Contest Rules: United States Model Rocket Sporting Code, Current
Current NAR Approved Motor List
TCC Range Safety - Risk Management &
Preventing Heat Inury
TCC Contest Director Training: Hosting NAR
Competition 101
General Competition
TCC NAR Competition 101
TCC NAR Competition Strategy and Tactics
Contest Etiquette
by Kevin Paul Wickart,
NAR 59720, cr 1998, the author
Beginning Competition -- The RSVP Principle
by Kevin Paul Wickart, NAR 59720, cr 1998, the
Guide to NAR Contest Rocketry Information for
Beginners by Jeff Vincent, NAR
27910, Northeast Regional Contest Chair
Competition Parachute Construction and Packing by Bob Kaplow, NAR 18L,
co-moderator of contestRoc Yahoo Group
Pink Book Light: Condensed for new
competitors. It has only event info, nothing on running the contest.
George Gassaway's NARAM
Competition Rocket
TCC NAR Competition Vendor List
Online Plans
NAR Competition Rocket Plans
Competition Model Rocket plans (Howard Kuhn's CMR)
TCC NAR Competition
Articles, Reports, Plans and Information

Specific Event
>>> Please support the TCC
Competition Primer NAR R&D Project by completing the short survy for each Primer you review. Thanks.
Each event Primer answers questions for new competitors and ends with more detailed information for the more agressive
Competition Video
Tips by Tim Van Milligan (aka Mr. Rocket)
Altitude Events
Payload Events
Altitude (ALT)
Payload (PAY)
Super-Roc Altitude (SRA)
Egg Lofting Altitude (ELA)
Precision Altitude (RDA, PRA, STA)
Dual Egg Lofting Altitude (DEL)
Cluster Altitude (CA)
Duration Events
Parachute Duration (PD)
Egg Lofting Duration (ELD)
Flex-Wing Boost Gider
Duration (FW)
Streamer Duration (SD)
Dual Egg Lofting Duration (DED)
Precision Duration (STD, PRD, RDD)
Helicopter Duration (HD)
Rocket Glider Duration (RG)
Boost Glider Duration (BG)
Super-Roc Duration (SRD)
Craftsmanship Events
Scale (SC)
Sport Scale (SPSC)
Concept Scale (CSC)
Scale Altitude (SCA)
Space Systems (SPSY)
Super Scale (SUSC)
Plastic Model Conversion (PMC)
Miscellaneous Events
Spot Landing (PSL, SSL, OSL)
Drag Race (DR)
Radio Controlled Glider (RCG)
Research & Development (R&D)
Provisional Events
Model (CM)

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